ABA Rapid Response Toolkit on holding immigration legal clinics
Rutgers Guide for State and local labor enforcement agencies to enforce anti-retaliation protections, particularly retaliation related to a worker’s immigration status
American Families United Signal Groups AFU is building regional Signal chats to connect members with information and resource sharing and match local non-profit organizations with members who are looking for help. For more information contact Ashley De Azevedo at [email protected].
National Immigration Project Rapid Response Hubs The National Lawyers Guild’s National Immigration Project is setting up regional hubs, focusing first on three major areas: Southeast, the Rockies, and Midwest to provide additional resources to people in those regions. The goal is to establish coordination for information sharing. For more information contact Stephanie Alvarez-Jones, [email protected].
National Immigrant Legal Responders Alliance (NILRA)‘s listserv and SharePoint is part of an effort to coordinate legal efforts against mass deportations and other enforcement actions. Participation requires approval to join to ensure the resources stay in friendly hands. Participants may not be members of any local, state, or federal government agency. Click here to register.
CASA de Maryland Hotline CASA has launched a 24/7 Spanish/English/French ICE raid hotline to report any ICE encounters. The phone number is 1-888-214-6016.
NAKASEC Hotline The National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) is running a 24/7 immigration hotline with the help of local affiliates. The phone number is 1-844-500-3222. The hotline will provide information for individuals who are in danger of being apprehended or family members of people who are detained to provide information about basic rights for people and to help people to locate loved ones. The hotline is currently in Korean and English; a Spanish partner may be added.
Ready to Stay Resource Hub developed and designed by Justicia Lab, aims to provide immigrants and advocates with the latest information on immigration laws and trusted resources. This effort is also linked to the National Immigration Legal Services Directory, containing details for over 1,000 nonprofit organizations providing immigration assistance. Click here to add your organization’s contact and service information.
Guidance for churches,schools & hospitals
American Federal to Teachers
Protecting our Students & Families Toolkit English Spanish
Know Your Rights for Immigrant Students & Schools English Spanish
15 Things Educators & School Support Staff Can Do Support Immigrant Youth & Families English Spanish
Supporting Undocumented and Mixed Status Students and Families
National Advocates
Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Guide For Educators and School Support Staff